Salt Pond Clubs & Classes
All facilities require Fob or Amenity Card Access

Below you will find information about the various activities like classes and clubs that are available to our members. Click on each title to learn more details.

See Also > Activities List

Book Clubs

Salt Pond Book Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 2 PM in the Salt Pond clubhouse.  All are welcome - a full read of the books is not required.  Consult the Book Club page for current information


Meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 PM in the Clubhouse.

All levels of players are welcome.  Contact Karen Meyer for more information: 717-538-3792

Group Fitness Classes

Total Body Conditioning with Valerie 

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 AM in the Clubhouse meeting room

$10 fee open to Salt Pond residents and their guests

Valerie will teach one of the following classes:

  • Barre Sculpture (60 minutes) - This class is designed to build a long & lean body using ballet based moves.  One can define & strengthen in this unique & challenging workout which targets abs, butt, & thighs. This intense fusion of sculpting moves will change your body to Longer, Leaner, & Stronger "YOU".
  • Total Body Conditioning (45 to 60 minutes) - This class focuses on intense isolation exercises with free weights & resistance, ending with an abdominal workout.  Good for all ages & skill levels.  The class is a high volume (reps), low resistance (weight) workout with short res intervals & is geared primarily to improve muscle tone & definition, while improving cardiovascular fitness.
  • Tabata (45 to 60 Minutes) - High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).  It consists of eight (8) rounds of ultra-high intensity exercises in a specific 20-seconds on, 10-seconds off intervals, which includes floor work.  The following equipment can be used:  free weights, resistance bands, gliders & mats.

Water Aerobics by Recording
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, 8 a.m.
Free to all homeowners, residents, and guest
The class is lead by pre-recorded CD's.

Water Aerobics by Valerie 
Friday 8 a.m $10 fee open to Salt Pond residents and their guests


Mahjong meets at 10:00 am every Tuesday in the Clubhouse.

Social Committee

Social Committee Chairs are Deborah Baker and Lena Verbares.  A full Calendar of Events is available on the Social Committee page

Women's Club

Meets the 1st Monday of the month from September to June.

9:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse.  

A community civic-social organization.

Additional Women’s Club news is available on the Women's Club webpage and posted monthly in the Mailroom.

Yoga Classes by Tina Bunting

Yoga with Tina

Monday and Wednesday at 8:00 a.m.

Fridays at 9:00 a.m. in the Salt Pond meeting room 

$10 fee open to Salt Pond residents and their guests